Easy everybody. Take a deep, big breath. We're gonna get through this. And were gonna get through this without knowing everything we think we need to know in order to feel safe.
The future is being built by the choices we make in the here and now. Aquarius is the new world that emerges when you engage in new behaviors. They result from addressing small questions like "Can I hold off on eating another cookie and trust in the promise of a lightened body?" and big questions like "How do I face mortality while still championing my life?" Runes? Tarot? Numerology? Beautiful arts of human creation. But nothing human is perfect. And surrendering our self-determination is human behavior in its least enlightened.
If you really want to know the future, attend to the present. If you don't, give up your fascination with cheap divination and redirect that energy on getting the laundry done. I guarantee you, clean clothes are the pathway to total happiness.
Let's let the Mayans be. If they were so smart, their civilization would still be around. Remember singer Dionne Warwick's "Psychic Friends Network"? Well, if our friends had been so psychic, surely one of them would have seen that their network would go down in the flames of bankruptcy. (Or maybe they needed to consult a powerful numerologist known as an "Accountant".) Dionne Warwick was far more prescient when she sang "Do You Know The Way To San Jose?" She may not have had directions, but the lyrics exuded such enthusiasm and wonderment. You just knew she was smart and capable and would make it there in one piece.
And so will we. And so will we.
The disco ball we're on keeps turnin'. You're in a warm, dark room; enveloped by points of light that travel and scatter around you like stars. You are the center of your own boogie universe. Love the dance; when you are doing it well and when you're just doing the best that you can. Both make you better. Enjoy your shimmery, sweaty polyester. You look great tonight. Tough it out when they play anything from Peaches and Herb; use it to pace yourself and grab a drink. You'll be ready to hit it hard when they pump up the electric "Nights On Broadway" by the Bee-Gees. Close your eyes. Everything is perfect. No need to panic. Here, there is no time. No calendars. No meddling Mayans. Just you, the beautiful people, and Jesus in the booth working the turntable.