The gut fills with panic
That cannot be attributed to anything.
What it arises from
Is a sea of mystery
With the vague outline of beasts
Lying in wait at the bottom.
Come daylight,
The terror will be
Stolen from memory,
Only to be experienced anew
When the moon comes calling.
The terror will be
Stolen from memory,
Only to be experienced anew
When the moon comes calling.
On the rare occasion that
The subconscious allows us remembrance
Of the night before,
We dismiss ourselves as silly.
We dismiss ourselves as silly.
But upon leaving the party,
As the voices die down at your back,
As the sound of key unlocking your door
Echoes throughout the apartment,
As you brush your teeth in the mirror
As if being given your last rites,
When you surrender and lie in bed
Vulnerable and perfect prey,
Something returns.
It finds you.
It taunts with the terror of its being
Without ever revealing what it really is.
And fear without revelation of the cause
Is insidious double-damage.
Is this looming terror
Behind the frenzy of sacred ceremony at night?
Is this why people pray when the sun is lost,
Attend midnight mass,
Burn sage and cedar in an Inipi ceremony
Or attend a loud rock concert which
Drowns out the inner noise
And brings us together with a community of others
Also looking to escape through the music?
Is this what a nightcap is meant to fend off?
Is this what sex and lovemaking is meant to subvert
If practiced diligently and long enough?
Is it called the “graveyard shift”
Because shelves are stocked while
Demons salivate behind you
And ghosts roam the aisles?
Is the late, late picture show a final chance to buy time
Before The Unnamed must be confronted?
Western society and medicine itself
Provides excuses for what is really going on.
That’s how scared we are.
That’s how unfamiliar the territory is.
After all,
You’re not wanting to run away from something inside yourself:
You have restless leg syndrome
You are not afraid of the haunting truth your dreams remind you of:
You simply have insomnia
You are not struggling to breath amidst nameless horror
You have sleep apnea.
It is said that
“The only way out is through.”
So what is required?
What is called of us?
And why is the path as elusive
As the threat itself?
When the bully of night is back,
Is there anything beyond cowardly avoidance?
Take talisman, holy water, mantra, and psychopharmalogical placebo.
Recite the “Prayer of Chairs”
In which an endless number of them
Form a protective barrier around you
In all directions
For as far and wide as the echo of three claps can travel.
Bring your hands together thrice.
Make your palms burn.
Only Allah in all His beneficence
Is big enough
To fell this opponent.