Video: Why Big Business Loves Complacent & Gullible Americans

There is one foundational truth that citizens of all political stripes can agree upon. Our government exists to serve the people. Not corporations. Not special interest groups (even the ones I like). Not the wealthy. Our government exists to serve Americans as a whole. Now, it's one thing if - on a case by case basis - the decisions it makes happens to coincide with someone's political agenda. But that outcome should not be the result of that political agenda. And that includes influencing outcomes through unbridled donations or the use of propaganda.

If we cannot agree on this, then those who take issue would serve the rest of us by moving to a dictatorship in another part of the world. There are many of them and they would be happy to have you.

For the rest of us, this video by is a fun, engaging, and insightful call to action. And even if you don't feel that affordable - or better yet, universal - healthcare or environmental protection require government involvement to insure our collective well-being, don't get hung up on it. There is plenty else here that will speak to your sense of fairness and logic.