AliExpress is the consumer cousin to Alibaba. Rather than having to buy items in bulk, the average person can buy just one. Looking through AliExpress is a guilty pleasure. It's a little like looking through the bra section of the Sears catalog as an adolescent in the early 80's. It's a strange
mix of fascination, shame, and furtive glances to make sure you haven't
been caught. In other words, perusing AliExpress with its goofy and
cheap inventory is fun, intriguing, and vaguely seedy. On that latter point, here's my latest find. And by "find", I don't mean something I actually bought. I mean I found it in their inventory and still can't quite believe it. But why play it naive? We live in a pop culture of supposedly grown up "celebrities", "personalities", "public figures" and "reality TV stars". And some of them just delight in taking skimpy bathing suit selfies and releasing the shots to the press as if a point of personal pride. Using that logic, the model of this picture is actually playing it a little on the shy side. Given the nudey-esque NSFW photos on TMZ, he may as well have just loosened his grip of shame, combed that hand through his hair, and laughed... laughed at the fact that someone looking at the picture is actually considering spending good money on buying this. And that whether some fool did or not, at least he was getting paid for taking such a foolish assignment.

Other minor observations. The model is shoulderless, much less headless. The product price is very reasonable. The color selection is impressive; playful but with an uncompromising masculinity. His feet are solidly planted on the ground, as every confident man wearing such a garment should be. Yet, the slight pivot of his right foot suggests the training of a dancer.