Exorcising Your Ghost Lovers

I define a Ghost Lover as a romantic partner from your past; one that you allow to haunt your mindspace long after the goodbye. This is typically wrapped up in revisionist history. The raw facts get an idealistic make-over that incite longing, nostalgia, what-ifs,and sweet remembrances. Conveniently, any memories of serious incompatibility or unhealthy relationship crapola (a clinical term) are no where to be found. It's an expensive and depleting pursuit because the energy of one's thoughts and feelings are reallocated towards yesterday, depleting the ability to manifest a far better relationship in the here and now.

We live in a media society that loves to dispense simplistic pop psychology (perhaps to counter our simplistic pop culture with "depth".) You've likely seen a five-minute, "Letting Go" segment on Dr, Phil, Dr. Laura, or Dr. 90210. The point here is that many of us may already know that a little ghost busting may be in order. However, awareness is not enough: effective action is what's really needed here.

Anyone who wants simple, effective strategies for pulling out the holy water on their love demons should head over to Beliefnet.com. There, writer Laura Oliver assembles a terrific short-list of effective recommendations. Even those that seem pop-psy predictable have innovative and effective twists to them. The article, entitled "How To Let Go Of Past Loves" is terrific: a quick read of doable actions. And that makes Oliver's piece and Beliefnet.com this month's "Best of the Net".